Mercury has now moved into Libra. Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in Libra.
Mercury rules our thought process, so this week we’re leaving behind feelings of confusion. Mercury is no longer in retrograde and the shadow period ends soon (which should also provide clarity if you have dealt with issues the retrograde presented).
Mercury is also no longer making aspects to Neptune, the planet of confusion and unclarity.
With strong Libra energy for the next 3 weeks, there could be a huge focus on relationships. People could be more vocal about their expectations and standards as well. The next 3 weeks provide clarity as to where you stand with others.
This clarity could also be exciting as relationships and friendships enter a more defined and peaceful stage.
Libra energy is also about making compromises and working as a team, so you could feel more compassionate and considerate during this time.
Naturally, the desire for companionship and partnership could heighten for the next 3 weeks. Generally, this is a great time to create and solidify relationships, friendships and your community. This is also because the Libra stellium is supported by Gemini Mars and Aquarius Saturn (socialising, community building and friendships).
2 years and almost 200 readings later, I would like to thank everyone for their support.
Amanda K.
Amanda M.
Sphokazi M.
Thank you so much for your CONSISTENT support of my craft online AND offline. Your kindness doesn’t go unnoticed.
uBey wathi “love you deep” ♥️♥️